Sunshine Coast Organic Meats sources seafood from a variety of sources.
The Canadian Way supplies wild caught Canadian salmon, as well as organic maple syrup, and was started by an expat Canuck. David Cost-Chretien loves living in Australia, yet like most people, he just can't let go of certain foods he grew up with. The more expat Canadians he spoke with, the more he realised he had a business (and community service) to launch.
The Canadian Way began with introducing the World Famous 100% Wild Sockeye Salmon from the Pacific West Coast of Canada. Guaranteed 100% Wild, not Wild Caught (Hatchery) or Farmed (commonly known as Atlantic) – YES there is a difference. It wasn’t long before many BBQs and dinner parties around Sydney were serving what's considered to be the very best salmon in the world.
THIS FISH supplies organic salmon, and is a family-owned business focused on providing clean, organic fish that is great for you, delicious and friendly to the environment. They believe in seafood as it naturally exists – free of chemicals, hormones and antibiotics – fed on an organic certified diet of food in its natural environment. To achieve this, they farm their seafood in remote clean waters, free of chemical runoff, in carefully controlled natural environments. They allow their produce to swim freely, with plenty of space (3 times more space than industry standards), in fast flowing waters, to allow them to become strong and healthy.
The sustainability and responsible production of supreme quality seafood is at the core of THIS FISH. They adhere to strict quality control procedures to ensure the protection of both the product and the environment.
THIS FISH is not only delicious, sustainable and organic, it also has the accreditations to back it up. THIS FISH and its products are certified by NASAA, the Australian and International Organic Certifier with high standards and respected integrity within the Agricultural industry.
All of these qualities would mean nothing without freshness. THIS FISH is frozen at the source to ensure it comes to you at the peak of its quality, for you to enjoy all of the organic and health benefits.
We have seen a lot of growing interest in our fantastic local seafood food options.
So when I bumped into Heidi Walker from Walker seafoods at a recent Sunshine Coast Food and Agribusiness (FAN) event, we immediately started talking turkey.
Or fish, as the case may be.
So now, we have Walker locally wild caught Yellowfin Tuna available in store and online.
Walker Seafood is Australia’s only MSC certified tuna company.
Mooloolah River Fisheries is one of the leading operators servicing the Seafood and Fishing Industries in Australia, and supplies a variety of wild caught seafood, as well as ocean farmed barramundi and Huon Aquaculture farmed salmon.