Nutrient Deficiency
Do you know what is the largest nutrient deficiency in Australia? Take your guesses…
Protein? No! Though opinions differ across the board, generally it is understood that most Australian's have a reasonable protein intake, but that the protein is not of a high enough quality [1] [2]. Ensuring you're eating high-quality protein, every human needs approximately 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
Iron? Maybe! Many women are iron deficient because of their menstrual cycle, however many Australians deal with varying levels of iron deficiency. In spite of nearly 20% of Australians dealing with some kind of iron deficiency, it isn't the most common nutrient deficiency in Australia [3] [4]. If you're worried about your iron intake, discuss with your doctor options for diet plans or supplements.
Go on, keep guessing...
Vitamin D? Almost, but no! More than 1 in 3 Australians suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, from mild to severe. Although vitamin D is found in a variety of foods including fish, organ meats, eggs and cereals, the daily values of vitamin D can feel insurmountable. Check out your daily value requirements and best sources of Vitamin D on reputable sources online [5] [6].
Given up? Don’t worry, I’ll tell you.