Fishy Business Part Three: Wild-caught Salmon
When it comes to seafood, sustainability is paramount. Fish farms, as we’ve mentioned, result in overcrowding, pollution, and the use of antibiotics, which can harm the surrounding ecosystem and contribute to the spread of disease. While organically produced farm salmon is better, there’s still a long way to go in terms of taste and environmental impact. That is, sustainably caught wild fish.

Unsustainable fish catching is mass-netting of areas with dense fish populations to meet the high industry demand. This practice has devastating impacts on not just the environment but the future of seafood: imagine a world without summer grilled fish, pasta with shellfish, or a delicious crispy-skinned salmon on pub night.
In contrast, wild salmon populations are managed through strict regulations and quotas, ensuring that fishing activities do not exceed sustainable levels. This is partly why wild-caught salmon is more expensive than farmed salmon: each fish is consciously caught and treated for your plate. This not only ensures a future where salmon is the weekly special, but all seafood can be enjoyed and our waterways stay clean and healthy, too. The salmon life cycle is vital for the underwater ecosystem, controlling the population of smaller fish and feeding bigger fish. By choosing wild-caught salmon, you're supporting fisheries that prioritise the long-term health of our oceans and the species that inhabit them.
Unlike their farmed counterparts, wild salmon are not subjected to the cramped and stressful conditions of fish farms. Instead, they are free to follow the natural swim patterns of fish, use their muscles to swim far distances, and eat nutrient-rich food — making their meat rich, high in omega fatty acids and naturally sized for a perfect plate portion. Plus, the freedom from confinement not only enhances the quality of life for the fish but also reduces the risk of disease and injury. This reduced risk of disease reaches farther than the salmon by not introducing foreign medicines, diseases or infection to their aquatic habitat.
If you haven’t tasted our wild-caught salmon, then this next sentence may be hard to believe, but trust us, it’s legit: the taste of wild salmon is unmatched compared to its farmed counterparts, boasting a rich, flavorful profile that's a testament to its natural diet and habitat. We’re not saying organic salmon isn’t good, because it is, but wild salmon is something else. Wild salmon is also a nutritional powerhouse, packed with essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamins. These nutrients are vital for human health, supporting brain function, heart health, and overall well-being.
It's worth noting that, like any other food product, there are considerations to keep in mind when choosing wild-caught salmon. While organic labelling is often associated with higher-quality food, it's important to remember that organic and sustainable certification in the seafood industry is not as strictly regulated as in other sectors. Even with ‘sustainable’ certification, industries can still ‘greenwash’ their businesses to appeal to mindful consumers. That’s why it's crucial to look for additional certifications like the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) or the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC), which provide more comprehensive assurance of sustainable fishing practices.
It basically took us three whole blog posts to say this: if you’re going to buy salmon, buy organic. If you’re cooking for a special occasion or to impress, buy wild-caught. Both of these options are miles above conventionally farmed fish who carry diseases, have an increased risk of disease or injury, damage the ecosystem and reduce the quality of the meat.
Whether you're looking for organic or wild-caught salmon, or some cheaper but as delicious seafood alternatives, check out our stock online or in-store.