Kid-Friendly Foods and how to get them to eat them

As many of us will know children can be cheeky and stubborn, especially when it comes to food. Many of us are guilty of hiding or tricking our kids into eating something that they don't like.


Being creative with food like making food faces (even poorly made ones like above) has seen eating time a more playful dining experience. Jono has two young kids, that like most children can be picky about the foods they eat. He recently came across an article that the Huffington Post has featured. The article is about a woman's experience after she found Ellyn Satters book, Child of Mine: Feeding With Love and Good Sense. Satter is registered dietitian nutritionist and family therapist and in her book explores the relationship between parents, food and children.

Division of responsibility is highlighted in the article, which is where the parent decides when to eat, what to serve, and where to serve it, and the child decides whether and how much to eat. This means no pressuring from the parents to for the children to try something or to eat an amount while the children do not feel obligated to eat and can choose from the serving dishes (recommended over set plates). Family dinners are recommended as children get to observe the rest of the table enjoying a healthy variety of food, sparking their inner desire to voluntarily try foods.

Jono has personally seen some dinnertime successes with the reduction in the food fights (figuratively speaking). Jono is also an advocate for placing serving plates in the centre of the table and allowing his children to pick and chose what and how much they'd like to eat. His kids feel empowered and in control. Rather than saying You have to take 4 bites of your pumpkin, Jono now says Please take what you want to eat but you don't have to eat it.

Why not try out the six words that will end picky eating You don't have to eat it?