Our guide to Woombye Cheeses

We love supporting local producers whenever we can that's what brought us to stock a selection expertly created handmade cheeses from the Sunshine Coast based, Woombye Cheese Company.
Our passion for local food runs so deep that boss Jono, is a member of the not-for-profit Food and Agribusiness Network and is on the strategic committee. The Food and Agribusiness Network is dedicated to celebrating and connecting food and agribusiness lovers alike and so are we!
These cheeses will make a fabulous host of flavours on a Christmas Charcuterie and cheese platter but what about cooking with them? Try placing a few sages leaves on each side of a camembert cheese then wrap it in bacon or pancetta and pop it into the oven. What comes out after roughly 15 minutes or until soft, will have just about anyone go weak at the knees. How do you top the idea of melting camembert? By having a baguette on hand to dip into it of course.
What do you get when you have Triple Cream Brie paired, with a few slices of Prosciutto on thick crusty bread? A very classy and downright delicious toasted sandwich.
We currently stock four different kinds of cheese, each with their own unique taste and texture.
- Blackall Gold Washed Rind The delicate and silky Gold medal winning cheese is the personal favourites of Sunshine Coast Organic Meats bosses, Chris and Jono.
- Vintage Cheddar The perfect crumble and a lovely sharpness, this is cheddar done right.
- Triple Cream Brie Made from local milk and extra cream this cheese is the definition of creamy.
- Camembert Mild and creamy, this award-winning Camembert, is a show stopper
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