Paleo diet

Paleo diet

Health from within

In recent years, it has gotten very popular to look back at human history to solve modern problems. As chronic disease and illness increases and food quality declines, we are looking at ways to make a difference for ourselves and our families. Some people in the search turn to ancestral diets, specifically the paleo diet. 

The palaeolithic diet, is a modern diet which aims to return people to their roots. It’s just like glamping — you know, those tents that are three times the size of a crappy plastic one, with a king sized bed and a copper bath overlooking a forest — caveman, but more glamorous, mostly because you don’t have to go and do the hunting yourself. Sunshine Coast Organic Meats can do the hunting (and even the gathering) for you! 

A caveman diet includes lean, grass-fed meats, fresh caught, wild seafood and whole food like fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. The new and improved paleo diet can include healthy fats like coconut, walnut and avocado. With modern marvels such as the oven and prepared spices, you can elevate the natural flavour and nutrition of anything that makes its way onto your plate, while still reaping all the benefits. Products such as our paleo mince are a great place to start. It is packed full of organic beef mince, free-range nitrate-free bacon, organic beef heart, and organic beef liver, each serving provides high-quality proteins, iron, B vitamins, and essential minerals. Spice it your way and serve it the way you love to.

Is there any science behind this supposed health diet? Discordance hypothesis is used as the foundational logic for the diet: that our physiology isn’t suited for modern agriculture and produce. According to paleo enthusiasts, when you increase your intake of whole foods and decrease added sugars, processed foods and preservatives, you can improve possible health concerns like inflammation, heart disease and cancer. The paleo diet is gluten-free which is great for coeliacs and is also referenced for those looking for a natural, healthy way to lose weight due to its lean, fat-reduced composition.

What is the ruling by doctors and dieticians about the paleo diet? Just like every restricted diet, there’s the risk of missing important nutrients, especially by excluding the important food groups such as grains and legumes. Bone strength is one concern among dieticians, due to the low intake of calcium and vitamin D. A balanced diet includes serves of carbohydrates and calcium which are important for bone health, muscle regeneration and energy. 

Ultimately, just like any restrictive diet, nothing is one-size-fits-all. Doing your own research into the paleo diet and seeing how it would work for you is the best option. Discuss your concerns with a dietician or a medical doctor and consider how to work with the benefits and potential concerns of the diet. Whether you religiously follow the paleo diet, pick and choose the best bits (like the grass-fed meat and produce), or just want to give it a try, you can do it! Check out our most recent recipe with our paleo power mince in crunchy lettuce for a refreshing, delicious and healing lunch or light dinner.